Exemplary electricity supply systems

Currently, following operational modes will be analyzed, mostly with capacities resulting from the base case:

  • Off-grid micro grid with fixed capacities

  • Off-grid micro grid interconnecting to national grid (consumption)

  • Off-grid micro grid interconnecting to national grid (consumption and feed-in)

  • Optimal local capacities for off-grid site with national grid access

The results of the oemof-optimizations have to be interpreted considering the evaluated scenario:

  1. Dispatch optimization of off-grid micro grid with base case capacities.

  2. Off-grid micro grid with base case capacities interconnecting with national grid: * Only consumption from national grid * Consumption from and feed-in to national grid

Further detail on that can be found in Evaluation of oemof results. Off-grid micro grid with fixed capacities ##########################################

Off-grid micro grid interconnecting to national grid

This case analyses the dispatch of the capacities in an implemented off-grid microgrid, sized within the base case scenario. It takes into account blackout events. To eliminate the influence of blackouts on this case set both _blackout_duration_ and _blackout_frequency_ in the input list to 0.With this configuration two cases can be analyzed:

1. Only electricity consumption: An interconnection with the main grid only allows consumption from the national grid through the point of common coupling, as long as the grid is not subject to blackouts.

2. Electricity consumption and feed-in: An interconnection with the main grid allows consumption from as well as feed-into the national grid through the point of common coupling, as long as the grid is not subject to blackouts.

Optimal local capacities for off-grid site with national grid access

An optimization of backup-capacities of an off-grid site already connected to a blackout-ridden national grid is performed. Following pictures present the results.

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Diesel generator supply

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PV-Diesel micro grid, no storage

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Hybrid micro grid (PV, storage)

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Hybrid micro grid (PV, wind, storage)

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Hybrid micro grid (PV, storage), connected to central grid with intermittent blackouts