Stability criteria

to be updated

A micro grid with PV generation can only be called stable during operation, if a large enough fossil-fuelled generator or storage capacity exists. To ensure, that the micro grids optimized components adhere to this stability criteria, an oemof-constraint was introduced. It…

  • Limits PV generation penetration to 50~% in a micro grid without storage

  • Defines minimal storage capacities for purely renewable operation (Assuming CAP=0.5*max(demand)/C-Rate)

  • Ensures that the estimated minimal storage capacity in micro grids majorly relying on PV generation, adheres to the constrains in the OEM

With micro grids interconnected to a blackout-ridden national grid, additional aspects have to be considered:

  • In case of later-on grid-interconnected micro grids, the stability criteria has to adhered to by the during off-grid operation of the MG.

  • In case of grid-tied micro grids, the stability criterion can be fullfilled through the main grid interconnection. With blackouts occuring in it’s supply, a micro grid with 100% reliability still needs to adhere to above presented constraints.